Our Impact
More then 360,000
children drown per year
8 Months = Basic swimming
Swim a Life takes 8 months (one lesson per week) to teach a child basic swimming skills
£90 = A Water Safe Child
Swim a Life can teach these children at a cost of £2.50 per lesson meaning one child costs approximately £90 to become water safe.
Swim a Life sends teachers to the community who not only teach the children but also teach young adults in the community to become instructors. This means not only are we saving lives, but we are also empowering people by giving them a skill and a potential to earn a much-needed income.
180 Children A Week
Working 3 hours per day 5 days per week each teacher can teach 180 children per week.

How our impact works
25m pool
We can teach multiple lessons at the same time
4 lessons at the same time
This means the Eshowe pool, is capable of the following:
720 children water safe every 8 months
4 Local Adults Earning A Wage
Feeding 16 people
Local adults who have been trained to be teachers would earn a good income to support their families and communities.
720 children that won't drown.
720 children that will be aware of the dangers of water.
720 people, they will be able to guide their peers.
This model is easy to duplicate in various areas by making use of underutilized pools and where necessary looking at the options of installing a container pool where a local pool is not available.
If we extrapolate this out to other facilities and other countries the numbers become quite significant.
21,600 children per year
1 country with 20 x facilities
108,000 children per year
5 countries with 20 facilities per country
216,000 children per year
10 countries with 20 facilities per country
These are incredible numbers and will make a huge impact on worldwide drowning statistics.
Potential Exponential Growth

Firstly that is 216,000 children that won't drown and 216,000 children that will be aware of the dangers of water so they will be able to guide their peers.
Part of their lessons, they will have been taught basic life-saving skills so that is essentially 216,000 children that might be able to help someone who would have potentially drowned. The level of education around the dangers of water will increase in these communities, an invaluable benefit and an incalculable life-saving fact when it comes to the drowning statistics.
As long as funding is available we can continue to grow into various countries around the world.
Secondly, by teaching young adults to be instructors, we are giving the community a leader who is capable of sharing this skill. But more importantly part of the training is CPR and vital life-saving skills that could be vital to these communities.
The cost per child is so small, the benefit is immeasurable in so many ways.