Our Sponsor

We appreciate any kind of support - be it big or small. Simply follow the link below to find out how to support us.
What it costs
£10 = 1 Month of lessons
per child
Makes them water aware
£60 = 6 Month of lessons
per child
Water safe
Not fully proficient in swimming
£120 = 1 Year of lessons
per child + Upgrading Facilities
Understand water
Help others
Fully confident and proficient in the water
Helps with upgrading facilities & pools
About our bracelets
Whenever you buy and wear Relate bracelets, you know that your contribution will reach the causes and people for whom it was meant, and ultimately change lives.
We have chosen to use a bracelet as our first drive for income as it is something that you can wear and show people that you are involved. Simply put 2 x bracelets equal one month's swimming lessons. You have the option of buying bulk to resell or to support us directly with individual purchases.