Eshowe Project

What is needed
Project - Eshowe
Eshowe is a town in Zululand, Northern Natal, South Africa. It is the the famous home of Zulu King, Shaka Zulu. There are many rural villages around the town, where people have to walk far distance to get to work or school. This exposes them to open water and rivers, which often flood in the rainy seasons. We have found pool space and teachers to assist us with teaching children in this area to swim.
The first thing Swim A Life needs to assist with in Eshowe is upgrading the facilities, and heating the pools. This will allow us to teach most of the year. The warmer water will also help the nervous children learn to swim much faster and in a more relaxed environment.
Goals Facility Upgrade
Once we have upgraded the facilities, we will need to provide swimwear, towel, gowns and tracksuits for these children, as- most of them do not have swimwear.
Swim Wear
For every £10 donated by you, we can give a child a months swimming lessons, to help this underserved area become more water safe.
Please help us, and support
the Eshowe project
Lives Of Eshowe Children

Swim A Life In Action