Is this a charity?
No, this is a for-profit business. Our belief is that if this is not run on a profitable basis, we will not be able to guarantee continuity. Why would the existing swimming schools take on more children if they are not benefiting from it? Why would the teachers teach more pupils if they were not benefiting? Swim A Life as a company would operate with open books, and not make more than 10% profit. The balance of the money sponsored would be used to teach individuals to be water safe.
How can we be certain that the lessons provided meet an acceptable standard?
Where possible we will only use STA accredited teachers and swim schools. In countries where this is not possible, we will develop a lesson plan in conjunction with the governing body in that particular country and insist that lessons are carried out according to this standard. Swim A Life, will insist on regular report backs pertaining to the student's achievement in conjunction with STA’s awards scheme. Where children are not progressing, Swim A Life would not send students to the said swim school again, nor will they employ the teacher if it is at one the pools operated by Swim A Life.
How do you scale this teach significant numbers to make a real difference?
As long as funds continue to come in, Swim A Life will continue to source new swim schools, swimming pools and grow into new countries. Working with STA, gives Swim A Life access to numerous swimming schools and teachers around the world.